
Tiene 11 años, es nigeriana y dicen que es "la niña más linda del mundo"

Una fotógrafa publicó las fotos de Jare Ijalana en Instagram.

Tal vez muchos recuerdan a la francesa Thylane Blondeau, la francesa de cuatro años, a la que los medios bautizaron como "la niña más linda del mundo". Fue hace doce años y marcó su rumbo, ya que en la adolescencia terminó trabajando como modelo.

Mucho más reciente fue el caso de la rusa Anastasia Knyazeva, de seis años, que el año pasado acaparó la atención del público hasta sumar millones de seguidores en su Instagram. 

Ahora es Jare Ijalana, una niña nigeriana de once años, la que despierta halagos por sus simétricos rasgos. "Ella es humana, pero también un ángel", escribió la fotógrafa Mofe Bamuyiwa, que publicó las fotos de la niña.

Además de sus brillantes ojos negros, todos elogiaron su increíble y abundante pelo.


Im Glad that we have changed the perception and stereotype that Africa is a dumping ground where hungry african kids are being celebrated ! We also have bright , beautiful , educated children that can be celebrated !!!!!! And ready to change the world LETS CELEBRATE AFRICA . BEAUTIFUL ART WORK OF J O M I of the @the_j3_sisters The elder sister of J A R E When I was a child I always wanted to wear my Mum’s shoes , cloths and do all she did as a woman . I wasn’t afraid of being that woman , though I wasn’t aware , nothing scared me of the cost it would take to be a woman . “I WAS FEARLESS AS A CHILD “ I’m sure every girl has gone through this stage and can totally relate . Meeting Jomi of the @the_j3_sisters Was more inspiring . Asides that she is bright and beautiful , she is very coordinated and every pose directed , she did better than I told her to do . She definitely has buttressed and given me more proof that every little girl dreams of being a woman . I guess was looking for a platform to showcase her inner woman !!! Photography is my little way of expressing my thoughts than in words and so I am not the best curator of my work .

Una publicación compartida por BMBSTUDIO (@mofebamuyiwa) el


BEAUTIFUL ART WORK OF J O M I of the @the_j3_sisters The elder sister of J A R E When I was a child I always wanted to wear my Mum’s shoes , cloths and do all she did as a woman . I wasn’t afraid of being that woman , though I wasn’t aware , nothing scared me of the cost it would take to be a woman . “I WAS FEARLESS AS A CHILD “ I’m sure every girl has gone through this stage and can totally relate . Meeting Jomi of the @the_j3_sisters Was more inspiring . Asides that she is bright and beautiful , she is very coordinated and every pose directed , she did better than I told her to do . She definitely has buttressed and given me more proof that every little girl dreams of being a woman . I guess was looking for a platform to showcase her inner woman !!! Photography is my little way of expressing my thoughts than in words and so I am not the best curator of my work . Be inspired #bmbstudio #artsy #artwork #photography #kidsphotography #childphotographer #love #girl #mofebamuyiwa

Una publicación compartida por BMBSTUDIO (@mofebamuyiwa) el